How the quality of your sleep matters in fitness

Most people believe working out and eating healthy will give them the body they have always wanted. However, few know about the secret weapon of every healthy person: sleep. A shut-eye is usually underrated and most likely to be skipped by many. Being fit without it is impossible. 

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Diets and workout plans work like charms, but these need to be complemented by seven hours of sleep every night. A good night’s rest is in charge of muscle recovery and growth, as it’s the most anabolic activity for the muscles. For those who are inclined to see themselves gather more benefits from their diet and exercise, sleep is vital. Sleeping for only four hours a night or less makes a body act as if it’s intoxicated. 

Getting sleep that’s less than the everyday average contributes to an increase in body fat percentage. An individual becomes more at risk of experiencing insulin sensitivity and even a disproportionate decrease in lean muscle mass when consuming a caloric deficit. Sleep-deprived people also experience crashes in their productivity; hitting the gym and going to work afterwards would therefore seem more difficult for them. 

Sleep does wonders to the body such as enhancing memory performance and creative problem solving skills. Athletes must get enough sleep to have their athletic performance boosted. For those who are seeking to increase their levels of physical fitness, sleep is the best thing to rely on for triggering the release of the human growth hormone, and it sure boosts the immune system, too.

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